In April, a close friend emailed me that she was on her 5th grade son's (also a close friend of mine) grad party committee. She asked if I would help with a t-shirt design. There was just no way I could say "no" to that. T-shirt designs are a fun project for me... probably because it's clothing and graphics combined! Plus working on youthful graphics always makes me feel young.
At first I forgot to ask how many colors it would be printed in so I was playing in full-color. Luckily, they ended up using the colored ones for some posters and then I converted the design into two-color for the t-shirts. All the 5th graders got their own, each with the full list of their names. The school did a great job of decorating for the event and it sounded like a really fun time. I'm glad I got to be a part of a fun event for such a big moment in a kid's life =)