Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Coloring

Coloring Easter eggs is such an accessible activity for almost any age and interest in creativity. Really, the most creative commitment that you have to make is which color to drop the egg into. A bowl full of simply solid colored eggs are super cute and festive. Beyond the basic color, there are many decoration kits, methods and ideas to keep the creativity flowing.
I have long preferred to color hollowed-out eggs. That way I can let them sit out on the table since they won't need to be refrigerated. To hollow an egg, create small holes on the top and bottom of an egg, stir up the insides with a toothpick and then blow the yolks and whites into a bowl. (The egg insides become especially handy to make cookies after decorating is done! )

My favorite decoration tool is a bottle of clear fingernail polish. Paint on the polish any place you want the current color to stay before placing the egg in a new color.

I actually really enjoy simple colored eggs the best and so my favorite egg ended up being the one I used the polish to leave a large heart shape on the egg.

Perhaps what I like most about Easter egg decorating is that I don't feel the need for my finished eggs to look really well done. Instead they speak more of the fun that was had in the creative process... and, well, they look really cute all in a bowl.

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